Zemo Riri Mubhonzo Muskeleton

Ndakaroorwa zvakanaka and I have a beautiful family handidi kunyeba, mumba mangu sex is also good, we have sex everyday mamwe mazuva kana ka 3, all

Zemo Riri Mubhonzo Muskeleton

Chapters 1 and 2

Ndakaroorwa zvakanaka and I have a beautiful family handidi kunyeba, mumba mangu sex is also good, we have sex everyday mamwe mazuva kana ka 3, all things being equal that is, but I have noticed kuti ndini ndine problem.

Pese patosvirana ini na hubby, ndototunda even tikaisana ka 3 kacho asi handinzwi kuguta mboro, I always want more zvekuti handiziye kuti zvakadai zvopedzwa nei.

Dzimwe nguva ndototi ndichipedza kusvirwa, hubby anobva atokotsira ini ndotomuka ndoenda kunoona ma porn pa laptop yangu ndozvisvira nechigunwe sometimes ne vibrator, 

ende hubby haambofa akachiona coz ndochiviga muchi teddy bear chemwana, apa handina kumbobvira ndada kuita an external marital affair, murume wangu nevana ndovada, in fact I love my family zvisingaite.

A few days ago, nditori mu kombie ndichienda kubasa ndanga ndakagara paseat kuleft kwemurume anga akagara pawindow and kuright keumwewo mukadzi.

So the lady anga akagara paside neni was on the fone achiverenga something pa facebook, aipota achi smiler achifinyamisa face ombopusa ombocrossa makumbo ake zvekuti it made me curios kuti arikumboonei asi i porn? 

Ndakadongorera nepaside peziso chiya chatinoti chiziso, ndokuona ari pa group rakanzi Bedroom Issues with Born Errectus, ndichibva ndatoritsvaga ndokurequesta and immediately bva nda adhewa.

Before tasvika mu town ndanga ndatoverenga story one and ummm shuwa regai the lady anga ari pa side neni aite zvaiita, apa ugoona ndonyaya dzangu manje.

Ndakazoona the guy anga ari pa side neniwo akutarisa fone, bva ndamutarisa ndakafinyamisa kumeso, izvo anga atoona kare, zvikanzi do you know kuti that group is mine, apa aizevezera kuti asadaidzisa.

Hahaha yah right!, bvandakutomuseka, apa he is a handsome good looking guy apa ainatsonhuwirira zvekuti ndakangoti baba ava varikushaya nyaya or varikungodawo fame isina basa coz mu group macho mune ma thousands of people.

He continued zvikanzi I know maybe you dont belive me but I actually approved your request to join the group and looking at your face you must be Nyasha amai Tanya….. ndoenderera mberi here he asked?

Hana yangu yakarova coz zveshuwa the guy aitaura chokwadi, achibva asmiler zvikanzi, my name is ndichibva ndapedzesa kuti Born Errectus zvikanzi Baba Muda, yess, ipapo kombie yaito turner paChinhoyi guarage achibva ati pama Taxi, achibva aburuka.

Ndakamboda kudzika kusara naye asi kombie yakabva yasimuka ndokunomira paCopa Cabanna.

Ndakaburuka ndokuenda kuoffice kwedu ndokusvika ndichibva ndabakidza my machine straight ku Bedroom Issues, sezvo ndiri receptionist pa graft pedu hapasi hapo busy sterek, so most of the time kudaira ma fone nekubatsira vanhu pa front desk.

Anyway ndaipota ndichiverenga nyaya zvekuti by kunch time, ndainge ndanzwa nekutotesa beche revaridzi.

Worse manje ndanga ndakuti ndichiverenga mastories iwayo I could visualise his face and every nyaya pamukadzi wese asvirwa ndaitoona ndirini, eish asikana without hours ndanga ndatoo addicted to them stories
Soon after lunch ndakaona friend request, and guess from who? 

Baba Muda, apa ugoona that very day pane imwe post yanga yaiswa neumwe Admin anonzi Angie WekwaMukaro yekuti it all started with a friend request pane mukadzi anga

akasungwa akafongora ari pa bed achirakidza kuti ainatsozhakwa nemboro from behind, and immediately bva ndai accepter.

Soon after that pakabva papinda message yanzi hes amai, thanx for accepting, I smilled bva ndati its ok Baba Muda, zvikanzi mazosara zvakanaka here ndikati ehe blablabla and ndopatakatanga kutotaura tese.

He told me kuti he is married and he owns a company that does vehicle hiring and he is just new in the business and hopes one day he would grow blabla.

I also told him about what I do and that I am married too and obviously we stay same hood coz takwira same kombie.

On that note I asked kuti kana ane company ye car hire so why is it arimukombie and he explained kuti he only has 5 cars so dzese were hired hence why achisenzesa ma kombie sometimes.

Ndakazoti eish, I really like your stories zvikanzi umm, ok enjoy asi musakanganwe kuisa macomments mubeche

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